Emancipation Day / Le jour de l’émancipation

August 1st is Emancipation Day in Canada. People of all faith backgrounds are encouraged to join in a virtual ecumenical celebration of Emancipation Day. Le 1er août est le jour de l’émancipation au Canada. Les personnes de toutes confessions sont encouragées à se joindre à une célébration œcuménique virtuelle de la Journée de l’émancipation. Emancipation Day […]

Doctoral Thesis on FILL

Rev. Jonathan Schmidt, staff to the Forum on Intercultural Leadership and Learning has successfully defended his doctoral thesis. This project documents the development of The Forum for Intercultural Leadership and Learning and the five-day Engage Difference! program as responses to the need to resource Canadian Christian communities to understand their cultures and contexts, and to […]

Four Webinars on Interculturality in Canada

This spring we are offering a series of 4 conversational webinars on Interculturality in Canada: A Seat at the Table – Journeying towards Beloved Community (April 14) / Deeper understanding of interculturality: Living, learning, and relating interculturally in Canadian context (May 5) / The Case Study: The Canadian Churches, Poverty, and Intercultural Analysis (May 26) […]

From Chains to Freedom: Journeying Towards Reconciliation

For Black History Month 2021, The Canadian Ecumenical Anti-Racism Network (CEARN) is highlighting its 2007 resource, “From Chains to Freedom: Journeying Towards Reconciliation.” One of the contributors to the resource, Dr. Afua Cooper writes,  “Slavery was a racist system predicated upon Black inferiority and White supremacy. Institutional racist practice, the colour line, colonialism, duplicity of […]

Videos: Recognition, Justice, and Development: Peoples of African Descent and Canadian Churches

The Canadian Council of Churches was pleased to host a Cross-Canada Conversation “Recognition, Justice, and Development: Peoples of African Descent and Canadian Churches” Le Conseil canadien des Églises a eu le plaisir d’organiser une conversation transcanadienne : « Reconnaissance, Justice et Développement : les populations d’ascendance africains et les Églises canadiennes ». Videos of key […]

International Decade for People of African Descent Joint Churches Statement

Leaders of 11 Canadian churches and faith-based organizations have issued a joint statement committing their communities to recognizing and honouring the United Nations International Decade for People of African Descent (2015–2024). The International Decade is a call for churches, governments, and societies to do more to address anti-Black racism in Canada and globally. The main objectives […]

Resources for Ending Anti-Black Racism in Canada

The Forum for Intercultural Leadership and Learning has released its first in a series of “Resources for Just Intercultural Ministry in Canada”. The first is a collection of video, online, and book resources on “anti-Black racism in Canada”. Most of the resources are from Canadian sources. Many are written from or for Christian contexts. Download […]

CCC Statement on Racial Justice

A Statement from the President and General Secretary of The Canadian Council of Churches “Join us in condemning racism in all its forms and expressions in our communities and in our churches…Let us add our voices and bodies to that cry for peace. Let us add our churches to that cry for peace.” Read the […]