COVID-19 and the Racism Pandemic We Need to Talk About

Racism historically rises and spikes when there is fear or threat or economic loss, especiallywhen it is perceived to diminish the dominant community’s self-invented narrative and accessto resources and finances, and when power rests with those who use power for gain andcontrol at the expense of others. Kim Uyede-Kai shares this helpful guide to name […]

Webinar: Bridging Intergenerational Gaps within Ethnic Immigrant Churches

Date: April 29th (Wednesday) 2020: 4:00pm EDT(1pm PDT, 2pm MDT, 3pm CDT, 5pm ADT, 5:30pm NDT) Intergenerational gaps are as common in families as in churches, with far-reaching implications for the health of congregations. Yet open and candid discussions about intergenerational gaps within churches, particularly ethnic congregations, are rare and difficult. In this session Dr. […]

Webinar: Building Welcoming Spaces with Universal Design

In  this webinar recording, Miriam Spies (UCC Minister and PhD student) and Alice Schuda (Centennial College) explore how to talk about and create welcoming spaces for People With Disabilities (PWDs) from a theological perspective. We also focus on the practice of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an educational approach […]

New Infosheet for the International Decade for People of African Descent

The CCC Canadian Ecumenical Anti-Racism Network has created an infosheet on the International decade for People of African Descent. Learn more about the decade and ideas to assist churches with recognizing the Decade in their congregations and communities. “This Decade, which spans from 2015 to 2024, is an opportunity to highlight and celebrate the important […]

2019 Intercultural Ministry Programs

Manitoba: May 27-31, 2019 (Sandy Saulteaux Spiritual Centre, Beausejour, MB) Toronto: June 24-28, 2019 (Toronto School of Theology, Toronto) Montréal: 20-22 septembre, 16 novembre, 2019 (Villa St. Martin, Pierrefonds, QC) CCC Engage Difference Poster 2019