All Things are Made New
(Revelation 21:5)
Engage Difference! Deepening Understanding for Intercultural Ministry
Alumni Retreat Winter 2023
Three 1-hour moments of Retreat:
Tuesday January 10/Wednesday January 11/Thursday January 12, 2023
Noon pacific/1pm Mountain/2pm Central/3pm Eastern/4pm Atlantic
On-line (With option for local in-person hybrid “pods”)
Please Register Below for Zoom Link
Purpose of gathering:
As we emerge out of COVID, or into living with COVID, we are restarting our annual gathering of the Engage Difference! alumni. This online retreat will help us reconnect as a community as we look forward to gathering again in-person later in 2023.
The Engage Difference! alumni are a unique community committed to intercultural ministry. We gather to support, resource, learn from and inspire one another.
Our time together
The retreat will include moments of worship, sharing of content and tools, self reflection exercises, small and large group conversation, story-telling…and maybe some laughter!
To reflect on how the last several years have impacted our communities and intercultural ministry…and to look forward to what is next…our three days will be organized around three phases of a model of transition:
- Letting Go or Endings – Telling the story of the past two years and intercultural community. What did we lose during COVID? What did we gain? What do we need to set aside and leave behind? What do we hold onto and bring forward?
- Letting Be/The neutral zone – How have we been changed? How are our communities different? How do we do self and community care?
- Letting Become or New Beginnings – Dreaming and visioning. What might intercultural ministry look like now? What can support those visions?
Cost: This is a free event. As is our practice, when you register we will suggest those who can afford to make a donation to help support this kind of programing.