Canadian Council of Churches


FILL Webinars

A growing library of FILL webinars and other recorded events are available for individual learning or for use in small or other groups settings. These recordings provide conversation on a number of topics and projects of intercultural ministry. Links to additional downloadable documents related to the recordings are provided.

FILL Resources

Workshop ideas, content and materials by alumni.

  • Bill Millar, Engage Difference! program alumni and FILL reference group member created “Open Out”, a series of podcasts drawing on his experiences in ministry across diversity and his research on intercultural ministry.
  • Peter Noteboom, Acting General Secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches, shares Reflections on Intersecting Unearned Privilege. This study for a group or self reflection was inspired by conversations at “Engaging Others”, a gathering of DUIM alumni.
  • DUIM alumni Niki Andre shares Embodied Practice Guidelines & Sense-Stones. “Embodied Practice Guidelines” is a way to remind people that intercultural ministry is more than “head” knowledge and engages all of who we are. “Sense-stones” is an easy way to help people tell their stories in a way that engages all 6 senses.
  • Mike Walker, a PhD candidate at the Toronto School of Theology helps us think about privilege by suggesting the addition of a 3rd dimension to the “Intersecting Axes of Privilege, Domination, and Oppression” in Embodiment as Third Axis Disability-Privilege.
  • Alumni of “Engage Difference!” have reworked and adapted the section of the program on conferred privilege into a stand-alone work shop: Exploring lived experience of privilege.
  • Alumni of “Engage Difference! Deepening Understanding for Intercultural Ministry” designed Creating Spaces for New Immigrants. This program is designed to create safe spaces where newer immigrants to Canada can share their experiences of Canada’s culture and better understand the settler-indigenous history they have entered into.
  • Sometimes its hard to know where to start. Some of the DUIM program alumni create a list of Ideas for Invitation to Becoming Intercultural and Tips for grassroots conversation . Want to know what it takes to facilitate intercultural ministry? This Gifts for Facilitation generated by participants in the “Engaging Others!” Facilitators shows we all have some of the gifts…and since none have all the gifts, we need to do this in community.
  • Intercultural ministry means creating spaces where everyone can be fully themselves, be heard, and hear others. Program alumni have recommended tools for beginning to this in small groups: Eric Law’s “Mutual Invitation” offers an alternative to ‘volunteer style’ of interaction that favors those from individualist cultures excludes those whose interactions favor a collectivistic culture. Scrupling is an old Quaker practice that focuses on process instead of issues. The focus is on problems that prevent issues from being discussed and resolved.
  • Lots of great programs and activities have been designed by Engage Difference! alumni: Ha Na Park shares the Friendship Kitchen project in Winnipeg.
  • Alumni of “Engage Difference!” share a framework for Creating Intercultural Engagement in a Public Space through Ritual and Artistic Expression. Included om this document, program alumni Min-Goo Kang shares a project based on this framework.
  • Theology & Research Working Group offers the living document, “Interculturality Framework and Guiding Principles: An Invitation to Conversation and Dialogue.” as a resource to communities as they define interculturality in their contexts. This is offered as a framework and guiding principles as we attempt to be open to and live out interculturality in our various church communities.

FILL CEARN Resources


God so loved the people of the World, contains biblical reflections, sermon notes from different Christian traditions, workshop outlines, and guidelines for doing anti-racism workshops, and significant sites across Canada to visit. Although first produced for the observance of Racial Justice Week around March 21 in 2006, this resource can be used for racial justice education and action for any week of any year.

Theological Starting Points for Action. Through this compilation of theological and practical reflections on its experience of doing anti-racism work in the churches, CEARN hopes to share learned wisdom with one and all.


From Chains to Freedom: Journeying Toward Reconciliation contains reflections on the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the British slave trade and offers historical background, worship resources, and suggestions on what is needed for healing and reconciliation


Resources for March 21 – International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination provides a prayer and hymn for use in local congregations


Mamoh Be-Mo-Tay-Tah – Let us Walk Together

This resource is designed to help Canadians engage with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Indian Residential Schools and better understand the legacies of colonization that Aboriginal peoples live with today. It includes the essays, testimonies and reflections in this resource are organized around teachings connected to the 4 quadrants of indigenous circles.


Cracking open White identity towards transformation: Canadian Ecumenical Anti-Racism Network Examines White Identity, Power and Privilege This resource zeros in on White privilege as an essential aspect of anti-racism work. Racism is one expression of the White privilege and supremacy that is present in day-to-day interactions and built into systems and church structures. It is impossible to do anti-racism work without examining White identity and the unearned power and privilege that flows from that identity. This resource includes stories, biblical reflections, and workshops.


On the Doctrine of Discovery In response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action on the Doctrine of Discovery and Terra Nullius, the Canadian Ecumenical Anti-Racism Network (CEARN) of The Canadian Council of Churches commissioned Dr. Néstor Medina to reflect on the effects of the Doctrine of Discovery in the Americas. Néstor describes his essay as a modest attempt to outline the far-reaching implications of the Doctrine of Discovery for our understanding of history and its impact on today’s global and social contexts.

Truth and Reconciliation and the Doctrine of Discovery: Select Responses of Member Denominations of the Canadian Council of Churches to TRC Call to Action 49 on the Doctrine of Discovery and Terra Nullis The responses to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action 49 documented in this book mark the beginning of a concerted educational effort; they are the first steps on the long path of reconciliation between the churches and the Indigenous Peoples of this land. While we cannot erase the atrocities committed in the past, we remain committed to recognizing and deconstructing their legacies in our present: to make the genocide in our past unthinkable in our children’s future.


CEARN March 21st resource
This resource suggests a number of resources, including sermon, worship, and action ideas, for faith communities to mark the day and work toward eliminating racism in the church and beyond.

International Decade for People of African Descent Info Sheet Learn more about the decade and ideas to assist churches with recognizing the Decade in their congregations and communities. “This Decade, which spans from 2015 to 2024, is an opportunity to highlight and celebrate the important contributions people of African descent have made to Canadian society. It also provides a framework for recognition, justice, and development to fight racism, discrimination, and the ongoing inequalities that Canadians of African descent face,”

International Decade for People of African Descent Conversation CEARN has also supported the work of this ecumenical table at The Canadian Council of Churches in producing webinars and other resources for churches. This work also included an Ecumenical Prayer Service marking Canada’s first National Emancipation Day in 2021.


Resources on “anti-Black racism in Canada”  Responding to the Black Lives Matter movement and growing awareness of racism in Canada, CEARN compiled a list of faith based and other resources for churches as they respond to anti-Black Racism.


2021 Emancipation Day Ecumenical Worship / Célébration œcuménique de l’émancipation canadienne To mark the first official recognition of Emancipation Day by the Government of Canada, an ecumenical group created this downloadable video resource to use in local contexts: worship service, prayers, music, and sermon. Emancipation Day marks the anniversary of the Slavery Abolition Act which came into effect August 1st, 1834, freeing approximately 800,000 enslaved people in British colonies including Canada.


Belonging: How has racism affected your sense of belonging within Christian churches? Beginning in 2022, the CEARN network organized regular on-line gatherings of the wider network and events. This is the video recording of an on-line event and conversation. A moderated panel share their stories followed by conversation and reflection in affinity groups. March 30, 2023

CCC Resources

Resources produced by or recommended by the Canadian Council of Churches.

International Decade for Peoples of African Descent Ecumenical Conversation
In 2020 The Canadian Council of Churches made commitment to support in principle the United Nations Decade for People of African Descent to integrate recognition, justice, and development, which are the goals of the UN Decade, and include making anti-racism and anti-Black Racism as priorities.
The IDPAD Ecumenical Conversation resources this commitment and helps Canadian churches engage the decade.
Resources include:
  • A video ecumenical worship service and other resources for the August 1 Emancipation Day
  • Video recording and study guide for “A Cross-Canada Conversation: ‘Recognition, Justice, and Development: Peoples of African Descent and Canadian Churches’”
  • Background documents on the International Decade for People of African Descent


Here are some selected resources for each major theme of intercultural ministry.


Since we embrace the ethical framework of justice and love, which is based on our Christian tradition, anti-racism is a crucial part of intercultural ministry.

  • Canadian Ecumenical Anti-Racism Network, Cracking Open White Identity Towards Transformation, Toronto: Canadian Council of Churches, 2012.*
  • Carl James,  Seeing Ourselves: Exploring Race, Ethnicity and Culture, 3rd ed. Toronto, ON: Thompson Educational Publishing, 2003.*
  • United Church of Canada, That All May Be One – A Resource for Educating toward Racial Justice, 2004.*
  • Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada, “Naming Racism: Speaking Truth to Power,” Making Waves Vol. 4:2 (2004).*
  • Glenn Singleton and Curtis Linton, Courageous Conversations about Race, Corwin Publishers (2005) (Beginning Courageous Conversations About Race (Chapter 4) and Poster)


Cultural Studies

How we live and engage with others are profoundly shaped by our own cultural background. Cultural studies can help us to understand better about our own cultural assumptions and the cultural contexts of the others.


Disability Studies

To be a welcoming church for all, we should incorporate voices and insights from disability studies to transform our churches and communities that function upon ableism.

  • Amos Yong, The Bible, Disability, and the Church: A New Vision of the People of God, Grand Rapids, Mich: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2011.
  • John Swinton, Disability in the Christian Tradition: A Reader, Grand Rapids, Mich: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co, 2012.
  • Thomas Reynolds, Vulnerable Communion: A Theology of Disability and Hospitality, Grand Rapids, Mich: Brazos Press, 2008.*
  • Wayne Morris, Theology without words: Theology in the Deaf community, New York: Routledge, 2008.


Ecumenical Dialogue

Intercultural ministry goes beyond one’s own denomination and seeks for active engagement with people from different Christian traditions.

  • Faith and Witness Commission of the Canadian Council of Churches, Liturgies for Christian Unity: The First Hundred Years 1908-2008, 2008.*
  • Janet Somerville and Charles Hendry, An Affection for Diversity: a report of a Consultation on Education Ecumenically for the Canadian Council of Churches, Canadian Council of Churches Toronto, 1973.*
  • Per Harling, Worshipping Ecumenically, World Council of Churches, 1995.
  • The Margaret O’Gara Ecumenical Dialogue Collection *


Right Relationship with Creation

Right relationship with all of creation is part of our call of a holistic shalom. With our “home” being on fire, we cannot create Beloved community.

  • Andrew Baldwin, Laura Cameron, and Audrey Kobayashi, eds, Rethinking the Great White North: Race, Nature, and the Historical Geographies of Whiteness in Canada, Vancouver, BC: UBC, 2011.*
  • Citizens for Public Justice, For the Love of Creation *
  • Scarboro Missions: Justice, peace, and integrity of creation *
  • Sheila Watt-Cloutier, The Right to Be Cold: One Woman’s Story of Protecting Her Culture, the Arctic and the Whole Planet, Penguin Books, 2015.*


Truth & Reconciliation with Indigenous People

Continually seeking for truth and reconciliation with Indigenous People is a crucial task for all Canadians. Hence, intercultural ministry in Canadian context must work in this area.

  • Canadian Ecumenical Anti Racism Network. Mamow Be-Mo-Tay-Tah (Let Us Walk Together) Canadian Council of Churches. 2010.*
  • Medina, Néstor. On the Doctrine of Discovery. Canadian Ecumenical AntiRacism Network/Canadian Council of Churches. Toronto. 2017.*
  • Metcalf, Jeffrey. Truth and Reconciliation and the Doctrine of Discovery: Select Responses of Member Denominations of The Canadian Council of Churches to TRC Call to Action No 49 on the Doctrine of Discovery and Terra Nullius. Canadian Ecumenical AntiRacism Network/Canadian Council of Churches. Toronto. 2017.*
  • Paulette Regan, Unsettling the Settler Within:  Indian Residential Schools, Truth Telling and Reconciliation in Canada, UBC, 2010.*


Intercultural Theology & Ecclesiology

How does our intercultural lens inform our theology and ecclesiology and vice versa? These resources help us to engage deeper on this topic.

  • Agnes M. Brazal and Emmanuel S. de Guzman, Intercultural Church: Bridge of Solidarity in the Migration Context, Borderless Press, 2015.
  • Christopher Baker, Hybrid Church in the City: Third-Space Thinking, London: SCM Press, 2009.
  • Grace Ji-Sun Kim and Jann Aldredge-Clanton, eds, Intercultural Ministry: Hope for a Changing World. Valley Forge, PA: Judson Press, 2017.*
  • Rob Fennell, ed, Intercultural Visions: Called to Be the Church, Toronto: United Church House, 2012.*

Interfaith is intercultural! Due to the intrinsic relationship between culture and religion, intercultural dialogue is also an interfaith dialogue.

Mission and Witnessing

How do we witness our faith and engage in missional work in a non-colonial and respectful ways with those who have different beliefs and culture? These resources aim to answer this pivotal question.

  • Cathy Ross and Stephen B. Beavans, eds, Mission on the Road to Emmaus: Constants, Context, and Prophetic Dialogue, Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2015.
  • Charles J Fensham, Emerging from the Dark Age Ahead: The Future of the North American Church, Ottawa: Novalis. 2008.*
  • Faith and Witness Library *
  • World Council of Churches, Together towards Life: Mission and Evangelism in Changing Landscapes.2013 WCC Assembly, Busan, Korea. Available at: Viewed November 2014.
Social Justice and Diversity

If difference is to be rightly celebrated and embraced in our diverse society, we should examine carefully the power dynamic that exist. As a result, we should deepen our understanding of social justice and find ways to be in solidarity with marginalized communities.  

  • Abu-Laban, Yasmeen and Christina Gabriel. Selling Diversity: Immigration, Multiculturalism, Employment Equity, and Globalization. Ontario, Toronto: University of Toronto, 2008.*
  • Anne Bishop, Becoming an Ally: Breaking the Cycle of Oppression in People, 3rd ed., Winnipeg, Manitoba: Fernwood Publishing, 2015.*
  • Canadian Ecumenical Anti-Racism Network, For God So Loved the People of The World, Toronto: Canadian Council of Churches, 2006.*
  • Women’s Inter-Church Council of Canada, “Called to uncomfortable connections: Living with differences,” Making Waves Vol. 7:3 (2008).*

* is used to indicate Canadian resources