Intercultural Ministry Webinars

Previous Webinars

Links to recordings of previous webinars can be found below or at the FILL Youtube playlist.

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Race, Indigeneity, Decolonial Thinking and the Possibilities of Anti-colonial Education

In this engaging webinar Dr. George Dei, discussed the intersections of race, anti-Black racism, colonialism and other oppressions. Participants engaged in the theory and practice of race, anti-Blackness, Indigeneity and decolonization and what it means for us to practically address social inequalities through a ‘thinking through’ of new futurities. The discussion highlighted crucial sites for interventions in the politics of race, anti-Blackness, Indigeneity and decolonization. There was a particular focus on the strategies for anti-colonial inclusive practice and what institutions need to do in order to bring about transformative change. A key question that guided conversations was: What does mean for church leaders to move away from colonial approaches to religious education and formation in their church contexts and find new ways for decolonial and life-giving approaches?

On the second half of the webinar, Dr. HyeRan Kim-Cragg and Jonathan Hamilton-Diabo responded to the presentation from their own social location and leaded participants to a deeper conversation and engagement.

The Case Study: The Canadian Churches, Poverty, and Intercultural Analysis

A conversation on how Canadian churches can engage together on the issue of poverty in Canada. The webinar began with a brief presentation from Derek Cook, the director of the Canadian Poverty Institute and representative of the Canadian Council of Churches Commission on Justice and Peace, and Jim Cresswell, professor and researcher at Ambrose University. Following, representing diverse social locations, Benjamin Lujan (a Latin American doctoral student who is majoring in liberation theologies), Serisha Iyar (the Founder and Executive Director of Leading in Colour) and Néstor Medina (Assistant Professor of Religious Ethics and Culture, Emmanuel College) responded. After this panel discussion, the space was opened for the participants to join the conversation.

Read the Canadian Council of Churches Commission on Justice and Peace document at the core of the conversation: “Healing Poverty

Downloadable Resources from the webinar:

Read the Canadian Council of Churches Commission on Justice and Peace document at the core of the conversation: “Healing Poverty

Download Jim Cresswell’s Powerpoint presentation used in the webinar:
The Church Response to Poverty

Download Derek Cook’s Powerpoint presentation used in the webinar: Healing Poverty

Deeper understanding of interculturality: Living, learning, and relating interculturally in Canadian contexts

A Seat at the Table – Journeying towards Beloved Community

Niki Andre, Dianne Hope, Bill Millar, and Adele Halliday take us through a deeper exploration of the goal of Beloved Community. Using the methodology employed in the “Engage Difference! Deepening Understanding for intercultural ministry” course and draw on the “wisdom in the room” to practise elements of:

  • Just Intercultural Community
  • Sharing power
  • Engaging conflicts

The webinar includes:

  • An introduction to a unique model for representing Beloved Community, drawing on ideas from Martin Luther King Jr.’s writings, Bill Millar’s “Open Out” podcasts and the Engage Difference! “Continuum for Moving from Monocultural to Intercultural”
  • Considerations when planning more inclusive, equitable events in your community
  • Exploring of how moving towards Beloved Community intersects with and informs the active work of anti-racism

This webinar took place April 14th, 2021 and was hosted by the Forum for Intercultural Leadership and Learning (FILL) of The Canadian Council of Churches.

Downloadable Resources from the webinar:

Preparing for a Change of Era: Engage Difference! Deepening Understanding for Intercultural Ministry

Living faithfully in a new era requires creative space to imagine new ways of being. Canada’s diverse contexts require that kind of creative imagination. In 2012 Canadian churches came together to create a program to resource local communities for Just Intercultural ministry. Today, the 5-day program, “Engage Difference! Deepening Understanding for Intercultural Ministry” is offered in contexts across Canada and has over 200 alumni.

This past winter 50 of the course alumni and facilitators came together to share how this program is shaping them and their local communities, and to dream the future of the work. In this webinar recording, Jonathan Schmidt (The Canadian Council of Churches Associate Secretary, Intercultural Leadership and Learning; Justice and Peace) describes the learning of that gathering and the profound impact of the program. In conversation, webinar participants share glimpses of Just Intercultural community in their contexts and together dream next steps to help resource the Canadian church.

This webinar took place September 16th, 2020 and was hosted by the Forum for Intercultural Leadership and Learning (FILL) of The Canadian Council of Churches.

Downloadable Resources from the webinar:

Bridging Intergenerational Gaps within Ethnic Immigrant Churches

Intergenerational gaps are as common in families as in churches, with far-reaching implications for the health of congregations. Yet open and candid discussions about intergenerational gaps within churches, particularly ethnic congregations, are rare and difficult.

In this webinar recording, Dr. Ben C. H. Kuo, professor of clinical psychology at the University of Windsor, will address ways to: a) better understand common intergeneration gaps that occur among, immigrants, children, youth, parents, and families; b) identify how similar intergenerational issues can be observed and reproduced in church and congregational life; and c) respond and manage intergenerational conflicts/gaps in ethnic churches through communication, relationship building, and increased cultural empathy.

This webinar took place April 29th, 2020 and was hosted by the Forum for Intercultural Leadership and Learning (FILL) of The Canadian Council of Churches.

Downloadable Resources from the webinar:
Reading materials:

Strangers & Angels Unaware: Demographic Change, Church Decline and Radical Hope

Rather than lamenting the declining attendance in our churches as a bad/sad thing, what if we see it as a Divine invitation to a radical new hope, a re-conceptualization of church in Canada.

In this webinar recording, Bill Millar, an intercultural ministry researcher & trainer, presents specific info on demographic changes and projections in the Canadian population, as well as patterns of church decline, and then explore strategies to lift churches out of shock and discouragement – helping them mobilize hope by opening their faith communities to more diverse populations!

This webinar took place February 12th, 2020 and was hosted by the Forum for Intercultural Leadership and Learning (FILL) of The Canadian Council of Churches.

Downloadable Resources from the webinar:

Building Welcoming Spaces with Universal Design

In this webinar recording, Miriam Spies (UCC Minister and PhD student) and Alice Schuda (Centennial College) explore how to talk about and create welcoming spaces for People With Disabilities (PWDs) from a theological perspective. We also focus on the practice of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an educational approach that seeks to reduce barriers to learning and to address the different learning needs of students. In a diverse classroom, no single method can reach all learners. Multiple pathways to achieving learning goals are required!

This webinar took place on Wednesday, November 20th, 2019 and was hosted by the Forum for Intercultural Leadership and Learning (FILL) of The Canadian Council of Churches.

Downloadable Resources from the webinar:

Help us to continue offering free webinars. Consider making a donation to help support this resourcing of Just Intercultural ministry in Canada. Donate now